Steve Somerfield - Original 'Wellbeing' (triptych)


Framed Acrylic painting on canvas

102 x 44 cm (34 x 44 cm each)

Wellbeing embodies the journey of healing through mental health and is meant to inspire a focus on happy feeling, remembering to center yourself and draw in the strength and share the positive energy.

Steve Somerfield - Original 'Family' (triptych)


Framed Acrylic painting on canvas

102 x 34 cm (34 x 34 cm each)

Family explores the feeling of connection, no matter how different our journeys are and that our paths take us in different directions, we stay connected and stick together and keep our connections strong.

Steve Somerfield - Original 'Deconstruct and then Reconstruct'


Deconstruct and then Reconstruct

Framed Acrylic painting on canvas

55 x 55 cm

Often a journey in mental health involves hitting rock bottom and you fall apart. It’s from this point that you then start to heal and put yourself back together

Steve Somerfield

Healing is Everywhere

Framed Acrylic painting on canvas

54 x 44 cm


No matter where you find yourself in life, there is opportunity for healing. When you find it in yourself you carry that healing with you everywhere.

Steve Somerfield

Working Together

Framed Acrylic painting on canvas

54 x 44 cm


When you work together you combine your energy and strengthen your healing. This painting was inspired by sister's who worked together and strengthened the healing for all of them together

Steve Somerfield

Steve is a Narrangga and Wakka Wakka man, now living on Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi Country. He is new to painting only picking up a brush a few years ago. Having worked inside Corrections as a Custodial Officer and now working with people with mental health, Steve uses his painting practice to heal and process his experiences. The paintings all have a focus on positive outcomes and are inspiring and uplifting to the viewer.


Judy Hammond


Mindari Cadd