Judy Hammond

‘Dhakkan/Mundagudda on Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi Country’

Photoshopped photo image printed on tin

31 x 61 cm


Judy has created this image, digitally working a photo taken at Wapa Dam Creek to accentuate the colours of the rainbow serpent. Dhakkan is the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) language for rainbow serpent Mundagudda is the Gungarri language for rainbow serpent

Judy Hammond

‘Dhakkan/Mundagudda Settling at Noosa Beach (Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi)’

Framed archival photographic print

68 x 51 cm


Standing at Noosa Beach at sunset it was the perfect time to witness and capture this image of Mundagudda (rainbow serpent) as she rests. Dhakkan is the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) language for rainbow serpent Mundagudda is the Gungarri language for rainbow serpent

Judy Hammond

Aunty Judy is a Gunggari and Kamalaroi woman, now living on Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi Country. She has been creating artworks for most of her life always inspired by Country. Growing up along side the Murrumbidgee River on Ngunnawal Country (near ACT) her first experiences of art were drawing in the sand with platypus's watching on with curiosity on the banks of the river and engraving marks in the wood in the wood heap. These days Aunty Judy's art practice explores painting, photography, ceramics and mixed media and always inspired by Country. Aunty Judy also works with women and youth in collaboration with community to address social injustices and celebrate and share our culture as solutions for the future for all.


Mu-raay Djeripi (Peter Mulcahy)


Steve Somerfield