Sasha Parlett


Photograph printed on canvas



Ceremony is sacred! Smoking ceremony is conducted for many reasons and is incorporated into many types of ceremony in general.

This photograph was taken by myself

Sasha Parlett

Sasha is a proud Maylangapa/Barkindji multidisciplinary artist that was raised in culture on Kabi Kabi country. She has a Bachelor of Creative Industries from USC and has dedicated her career to representing the underrepresented in a mission to help combat imposter syndrome. Sasha's work extends from directing, producing and writing an award winning music video to exhibiting her documentary format video installation piece across the east coast of Australia. She works in a wide range from corporate documentary, scripted format and art video. Sasha  does  a lot of solo work under her business Red Handed Productions and also loves jumping in and being part of a bigger team to see a vision realised.


Nunyara Cadd


Hope O'Chin