Peter Joachim Hughes

Where To Now

Acrylic on canvas

82 x 62 cm

Original not for sale, $750 for A1 size PRINT, $420 for A2 size PRINT, $220 for A3 size PRINT

Having a personal connection to our land we become an integral part of that eco system as we take care of Country and Country takes care of us. When we are removed from our land we are removed from ourselves so where to now?

Peter Joachim Hughes


Assemblage of Bunya branches, Bunya nuts, lawyer cane, raffia, ochers, cyanotype and board

55 x 65 cm (widest points)


This artwork was based on a story told to me by and old Aboriginal Fella in the Glasshouse Mountains decades ago. He told a story that there were once many waterways throughout the Sunshine Coast region, and ancestors traveled in canoes throughout the hinterland without going via the coast.

Peter Joachim Hughes

Peter (Gundagarra) feels his art practice evolved from growing up inspired by his father’s stories in a rural bush setting where art materials came directly from his environment. Using charcoal sticks from around his Dad’s “billy tea” fire, coloured clays and shales from eroding hilltops, paper carefully removed from large paperbark trees which lined the creek beds, along with fallen timbers and creek bed stone, all fed Peter’s appetite for materials to create his artworks. During the past forty five years Peter has expanded his knowledge through various workshops and working with other artists, always trying various mediums and techniques using natural materials. To Peter his artwork has a purpose, a journey of possibilities governed by balance between his identity and his sense of belonging to his country. Peter continues to enjoy living and creating art in a bushland home at the foot of Mt Mellum in the Glasshouse Mountains, Queensland.


Amelia Hughes


Nadine McDonald-Dowd